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Stairwell Cover

LuciGold solved the problem of keeping water from rain and melting snow out of the basement with this three piece stairwell cover.

Stairwell System_(2) LuciGold_www.lucigo

Sleek, Unobtrusive Stairway Cover Provides Functionality, Durability

Our customer in Munster Indiana had an exterior open stairwell with a ground level concrete foundation.  The drain at the base of the stairwell functioned well, but they were seeking a solution to the problem of debris collection.  They placed netting around the perimeter of the railing but leaves still piled up at the bottom. 


LuciGold designed a stairwell cover that was slightly higher than the patio with a door that open away from the house, creating a barrier so neither children nor pets could fall in when the door is open.  On the far end, we added a safety railing.  The door and the railing are operated by utilizing a dual-actuator system.  The homeowner holds the button on the control panel to open the unit.  Once the door fully opens the railing automatically rises.  When they’re ready to close the door, they hold the button.  The railing lowers first and the door automatically follows.


This sleek, unobtrusive stairway cover provides functionality, durability, and blends nicely with their mid-century modern home.  Our design team is experienced in getting the measurements we need through a combination of email, phone and video calls.  Installation occurred during one of our truckload delivery trips and, as you can see, it fits like a glove! 


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